John Huddleston's sponsor's mark

Silver golfball

Examples of my work
Where to see my work

This hollow golfball is full size and cast in three parts - two hemispheres and the tee.

The digit 1 has a small hole in it - unfortunately my late father-in-law, for whom it was made, never managed one.

Another tee is below. It shows the poor quality of the original plastic tee - not my casting obviously.

Golf tee
Another must have golf accessory is a silver ball marker.
Golf markers with M/F symbols Golf markers with M/f figures
These are golf ballmarkers - intended perhaps for a husband and wife. The hallmarks are on the rear. For those unfamiliar with the markers - they are like a large drawing pin and are used to mark the position of the ball if it needs to be moved. I can do many other designs. Below are two alternatives - with initials or a plain satin finish (can't have the reflection of the sun putting off your opponent!).
Golf markers with initials Plain golf markers with satin finish